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Dry cupping is used on certain points and meridians on the body using negative pressure to increase blood flow, increases blood circulation which helps relieve pain and tension. 
Helps treat:
-Back & neck pains
-Stiff muscles & loosens muscles
-Encourages blood flow
-High blood pressure
-Reduces pain and inflammation



Fire cupping uses glass cups instead of plastic. Fire is used to remove oxygen from within the cup which creates a vacuum and is suctioned onto the body. Flame cupping is similar benefits to dry cupping but is known as hot cupping as the heat helps penetrate deeper to loosen muscle tension.  Some people find fire cupping more relaxing and a nicer feeling than dry cupping.



Wet cupping involves the process of dry cupping massage and dry cupping. The cups are then removed and using a small scalpel blade small superficial cuts are made . The cup is placed back onto the area and the negative pressure forces capillary blood out. This removes stagnant blood and improves the flow of detoxified blood, which allows new oxygen and nutrients to reach those areas. Results in increased elasticity of muscles and improved performance of body organs. If dry cupping or fire cupping produces very dark or purple marks on you then Hijama is recommended as that shows stagnation.

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Facial cupping uses silicon suction cups, that are squeezed and placed onto the skin. It has similar benefits to massage where it increases blood circulation, brings in fresh oxygen and nutrients while also stimulating the lymph nodes.
Facial cupping can:
-Increase collagen production
-reduce Inflammation
-Improve skin tone, texture and clarity
-Ease muscular and joint pain

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